Sunday, April 10, 2005

Pauline Kael

“…. [T]his low-budget comedy-fantasy has some of the most entertaining (and best-sustained) performances I've seen all year.

“…. Geneviève Bujold has the dippiest and funniest role: she dispenses sex-therapy advice on a radio show, and when she's feeling hot she gets listeners hot. Over the years, Bujold has developed a marvellously close rapport with moviegoers; she can make us feel we're reading her mind. And here she has us entering into every twist of her character's nuthead frigidity and nymphomania; after a while, we giggle happily at sight of her, anticipating that she'll do something naughty, and she doesn't let us down….”

Pauline Kael
The New Yorker, Dec. 24, 1984
State of the Art, p 289
[left out too much about other performers? because discussion of Warren and Chong touches upon, by implication, all other performers]


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